What’s the plan!?!

I like to know the plan. I don’t function well in limbo. When I was in High School, I went to the state fair with a large group of friends. I don’t recall really doing much that day, except standing around and trying to figure out who wanted to do what. Someone just needed to make a plan. “We’re going on the roller coaster. Let’s go!”

More than wanting to know the plan, I like to know the reason for the plan. “Ok, why are we doing it this way?” Reasoning and logic are important to me. It’s hard to follow a plan when you don’t have any idea “why” this is the plan. But sometimes we don’t get to know the reason. Sometimes we just have to trust. This was certainly the case with Esther.

Esther 2:20 But Esther had kept secret her family background and nationality just as Mordecai had told her to do, for she continued to follow Modecai’s instructions as she had done when he was bringing her up. 

It doesn’t appear that Esther knew why she was supposed to keep her background a secret. She did it because Mordecai had told her to. He probably had a good reason. He probably had a purpose and a plan. All she had to do was trust that he knew what he was doing. And this man could certainly be trusted. He had proven over time that he was for her. He adopted her at a young age and provided all she needed. He had greater wisdom, greater authority, and greater influence. “Just trust me on this one, Esther.”

God says the same thing to us, doesn’t He? “Just trust me on this one!” This can be hard for people like me who want to know the plan and the reason behind it. But God doesn’t always give them to us. Instead, He asks us to trust Him. He has adopted us and provided all we need. He has greater wisdom, greater authority, and greater influence. So the next time we get wrapped up in “what’s the plan, God?” let’s instead put our energy into trust.

In Esther’s life, God was cooking something up that she could never have imagined. She just had to trust. I am pretty sure the same goes for you to.


One thought on “What’s the plan!?!

  1. I’m like you. I like a plan a the reason for said plan……in this instance, we know the world’s plan and the reason but still need to trust God to get us through this thing…..

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